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Prayers for Others


When we imagine feet washing
May we imagine the person whose feet we may wash
the neighbour we serve
and when we look at that person
whose feet we wash
may we see that refugee in Ghouta
their fear
their tiredness
their hurt

And when we wash those feet
may we say nothing
but just give the affirmation you give
of love
and compassion
and a place to belong


And may we imagine too
sitting on the other side of the bowl
a student from Florida
people of Haiti
The lonely in our community
the burned out
the anxious
those with mental ill health

And when we wash those feet
may we simply affirm
the love
the compassion
the belonging you give
and we offer


And may we imagine also
these with us
at the basin
our families
our friends
our parish
the grieving
the ill

And know our prayer
is not just imagination
but where we find ourselves
when we affirm
and offer
the love
that make the kingdom real
and here
and found between us

So be it



Foot Washing

                          John 13:1-32

Contemplative Prayer


Lordit is not a place in which we want to bedown beside youyouwho has put asidethe crown and the gloryand put on the towelkneeling in the stoorand spilled waterof this tarnished fameof servanthood


Yet may we take this momentto imagine ourselves beside youand know the touchof holy handsholding the scars of our journeysand bruises of the roads we've travelledand soothing awaythe dirt and dust


And in such a love as this
such giving of self
and reversal of roles
imagine the kingdom
found in this poured water
grace discovered
in this washing
and truth unveiled
in this moment


And as we wait
and wonder
what this costs you
may our ears be open
in this place of water and towel
to hear anew
your word to us
that lives in us
and sends us into the world
and ready to serve

So be it



Reflection before Silence


May we take this moment
to wonder
what this costs Jesus
to wash the feet
of those who follow,

this reversal of roles
where the king of kings
bends low to dampen the soiled feet
of fishermen,
tax collectors
and zealots
and us
among them

and discover
in this kingdom
and power structures
are meaningless

And are we now ready
cleansed and prepared
to journey
this lenten tide
towards the cross



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