CALL US : 0141 - 942 - 8827
open hearts, open minds, open faith
The Core
As a congregation we are continually believing into the faith, always evolving and moving and growing our sense of God. We therefore invite people to join us, not because we have answers but because, at our core, we have a sense of adventure and we want to share it. Here are the invitations we offer:
Invitation One
We invite you:
to join us in our growing relationship with God
whose creative and transforming love was shown
in the person and life
of Jesus the Lord
and whose spirit is alive in us today
as we create God's family here,
gathering and journeying together
in faith and love,
worship and life.
Invitation Two
We invite you:to join us
in reading and reflecting on the Bible’s story
inviting it to continually reshape our lives
and to live out our prayers in the world
that God's love may be shared
Invitation Three
We invite you:
to join us by living fully in the world,
sharing the amazing talents, gifts and resources
we have been given,
so that in the loving of our neighbour
we might help transform the world.