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open hearts, open minds, open faith
Let the children come unto me
with their wonder
their laughter
their insights
Let the teenagers come unto me
with their hope
and worries
and questioning
Let the adults come unto me
with the experience
and anxieties
and living
Let all come unto me
with all they are
and have been
and will be
and I will show you
the kingdom of God
Let the Children
Luke 18:15-17
Meditative Prayer
In the uniqueness of who we are
and the longings we hold
we meet you here
O Love
Creations ambition
to renew and transform us yet once more
to invite us
draw us
call us
to be who we are yet to be
So we bring all we have been
the hurst we hold
and the worries we hone
the fears that shape us
and the wrong that bruise us
and place them here
in this holy space
and let love invite us
to trust forgiveness
and renewal
to walk with us
and transform our living
day by day
reborn by light
and by love
and by grace
new creations
In such wonder
we pause and pray
as our deep down
child-like trust believes
love can do wonders
May we hear holy words again
as if they are keys to the kingdom
May we imagine new worlds
shaped by a love that transforms all things
May we speak of remarkable things
as if they are the everyday
and in doing so
may we speak of your kingdom
where neighbours are loved
justice is shared
the hungry fed
and peace is found
In our child-like hopes
may we hold the whole of the kingdom
and in our adult born wisdom
recognise the way to travel
Hear us O God
in the uniqueness of who we are
find our calling to be your own
So be it