CALL US : 0141 - 942 - 8827
open hearts, open minds, open faith


We run an enquirers class to find out what church is like now and what we believe today. See the purple box for details
We'd like you to join us in New Kilpatrick and you can do that in a number of different ways.
Just come along
We're here every Sunday of the year for worship at 10.30 with additional services on other Sundays. All you need to do is pop in and join us and you'll be welcome as our friends.
That means also that you'd always be welcome at all the other activities we take part in: social events, fundraisers, coffee after everything.
Make us your home.
Special Occasions
We're perfectly aware that life is full and busy. We believe there is always room for the church, by which we mean room for focusing on the priorities in life, room for making friendship, room for spirituality, room for God.
Some find these most meaningful and necessary at the big festivals of Christmas and Easter, Harvest and anniversaries of births and deaths. That's fine.
We want you to feel you belong and whenever you come along please introduce yourself and we will hopefully be able to journey with you at least part of the way in our lives together.
You belong before
you believe
Formal Membership
We run an enquirers class regularly
If you would like to take this opportunity to join, you can contact us for this informal, relaxed, discussion here or speak to the minister on 0141 942 8827
Formal membership is all the welcome and friendship we can share with you and as much as you can with us but also you'd be invited to take vows following a short course in what Church means now, the issues we eplore, the believes we hold to, the questions we ask and what it means to be part of the church.
There would follow a service of vows of membership where you'd formally join us during a service, be given the right hand of fellowship and then become a formal member. You'd receive an elder who will keep in contact with you twice a year and we'd ask you about taking part in a whole host of things that make membership a special relationship between you, God, love and each other.
If you'd like to find out more, just use the contact form below. It will be good to hear from you.