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Images from the church showing some of the ways we have shaped the space with art and creativity.



Flames from each pew brought together into a rainbow pillar of fire during service

Light Festival

Light Festival

Pentecost Close-Up

Pentecost Close-Up

Pentecost flames

Starfield 1

Starfield 1

Hundreds of stars on Christmas Eve

Glass Cutters

Glass Cutters

People were invited to cut out a piece of 'stained glass'

Light Festival

Light Festival

Round the houses on Christmas Eve 2018

7 Day to be creative

7 Day to be creative

Messy Holiness

Messy Holiness

A round-table communion

The Spirit Gift, waiting

The Spirit Gift, waiting

Congregational Chain

Congregational Chain

Every name of every member: it took the whole length of the church!

Harvest Dedication 2014

Harvest Dedication 2014

Dedication of the congregation at Harvest Time with all our names written on the board round a heart of harvest and dedication words created throughout the service.

Jesus and the Children

Jesus and the Children

The 'before' before we cut it all up and gave pieces away.

Unless a seed...

Unless a seed...

On the back of the image about the ultimate ending were strips of seed to be sown and so endings become the beginnings

Field of Dreams

Field of Dreams

Wheat sown in response to dedication creating a field of intent inside the church.



Dare to step out the boat in peace, justice, love...

Light Banners

Light Banners

Advent 2014 banners with constellations of light. Looked brilliant at night with only this starlight lighting the way.



Light Festival 2014. These were bookcases filled with lanterns and books. Then we covered them and this 'stained glass' lit the space.



The 5000

The 5000

Communion for all ages where we fed the 5000 on a great picnic table we had built up over the three weeks before telling table stories of Zacchaeus and the like.

Lent Table

Lent Table

Lent Table, added to with each Sunday's story over that season: stones and rocks, footprints and bread and light and crosses...

Tree of Light

Tree of Light

Lanterns made at workshop made into tree

Maundy Thursday

Maundy Thursday

Maundy Thursday Communion, each candle a disciple, lit, then blown out as the darkness of the garden turns each away one by one.



Sowing the seeds of love, life and longing surrounded by prayers of dedication.



Church Grounds



The New Kilpatrick Stole designed and created by one of our members. Worn for Advent and Lent

Cetic Communion

Cetic Communion

Iona Communion setting where the different strands of life bind together and weave there way through the life of faith.



We all took a piece of the image. On the back was a blessing on how to live again in a more childlike way.

By the Sea

By the Sea

All Age Communion by the beach.



Remembrance Space where people laid their poppies amid the death of autumn turning what is brown and dying into hope and longing.



Placing poppies onto the bad news of the world.



Dr Who Sunday with TARDIS: bigger on the inside. But then so are the stories of faith, and that's how we played it.

Lent Beginnings

Lent Beginnings

A cross table with four actions in which to begin Lent: let go, lay down, pick up, renew. Light a candle and place on the cross in the way you will respond.

Advent 2015

Advent 2015

Let it snow...



Icicles on he way in to church on Christmas Day 2015.

Radio Broadcast

Radio Broadcast

Set up for an early Radio Four live broadcast.

Morning Light

Morning Light

A sanctuary full of stained glass comes alive in the low winter light of morning.

The Cup

The Cup

Lenten Banners for 2016.

Stone Cross

Stone Cross

An ongoing creative service through Lent 2017



Lenten Banners for 2016



Walk the pilgrims way on the journey with others.



Just the light to guide you, enfold you, accompany you.

Healing Light

Healing Light

Candles burning as we remember ours and others need of peace and healing.

Wall of Light

Wall of Light

Lanterns hanging across the worship space.

Remembrance 2016

Remembrance 2016

People came forward with poppies to create wreaths under the images of people's heads

Water of Life

Water of Life

Everyone had a glass and a blessing at the 9.30 service



An evening service

Lent 2017

Lent 2017

Stories among the cross

Palm Sunday 2017

Palm Sunday 2017

Writing a word in the sand about Holy Week and finding under the word, a cross.

Where shall we walk

Where shall we walk

9.30 worship choosing where we feel we are: in the boat or walking on water.



Inside or outside the boat? Dare to step into the water

Pick Up

Pick Up

Choose to pick up something new in Lent

Palm Sunday 2017

Palm Sunday 2017

Carrying Crosses along the way

Nativity 2016

Nativity 2016

Remembrance 2016

Remembrance 2016

Wreaths completed during the service

Remembrance 2016

Remembrance 2016

People coming forward and placing poppies in wreaths

Harvest 2016

Harvest 2016

People offering their gifts to the work of the church

Evening Communion

Evening Communion

Sand Grain Communion telling the stories of the ancients and new.

Evening Commiunion

Evening Commiunion

Bread and wine together

Christmas 2015

Christmas 2015

Good Friday

Good Friday

Music and Words and Emptiness

Sheepy sheep

Sheepy sheep

Find the sheep story and reveal the good shepherd

Remembrance 2017

Remembrance 2017

A river of poppies everyone added their own poppy to.

Good Friday Cross

Good Friday Cross

Filled with all the broken things...

Lacuna Service

Lacuna Service

Creating a space for the Spirit. An evening service.

Starfield 2

Starfield 2

Looking through the starfield



On the fifth Sunday of the month (whenever there is one).

Communion in the Desert

Communion in the Desert

Creative Communion

Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday

Finding the crosses in the dust of the journey

Welcome Cake

Welcome Cake

A 9.30 service based on friendship and blethering and creating community.

Magic Carpet

Magic Carpet

Homemade magic carpet with our dreams of a whole new world woven into it. The 9.30 Service

Messy Holiness (2)

Messy Holiness (2)

You can't have a tidy communion. The bread always makes crumbs and the wine always spills.

Poppies and Cornflowers

Poppies and Cornflowers

Remembrance 2018

The Word

The Word

John 1

Bearsden Shark

Bearsden Shark

Manger 2021

Manger 2021

COP 26 Plastic not so Fantastic

COP 26 Plastic not so Fantastic

New Kilpatrick Parish Church

28 Kirk Place

Bearsden G61 3RT


Rev Roddy Hamilton

0141 942 8827


Scottish Charity SC012997


Unless otherwise stated, all material on this website is copyright New Kilpatrick Church







Sunday School












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