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open hearts, open minds, open faith

Chris Nickol is our superb organist and musical director and has been with us since 1993. Able to immediately respond musically to phrases, words and images heard in the service we have had everything from liturgical versions of Dr Who and Abba played as sensitively and appropriately as Bach and Mozart. This style of mixing popular culture with ancient tradition is one way of enabling people to see the sacred within what is often thought secular.

Christopher Nickol, BMus, FRCO, ARCM
Organist in New Kilpatrick
Christopher was born in Cambridge, and gained an organ scholarship to the college chapel of Royal Holloway College (University of London). Outwith the kirk he has a diverse career as a teacher, recitalist, conductor and accompanist. He has performed with many of Scotland's major choirs and orchestras, and plays frequently at Glasgow's Kelvingrove Art Gallery. If you can, you really ought to go and hear him there performing an imaginative repertoire mixing contemporay pop culture pieces with the popular classics. He has given recitals throughout the UK and overseas, broadcast on BBC Radio and TV, and has recorded five CDs.
Along with the choir who leads worship each week with introit and anthem, Chris also directs NKChorus and the Music Group both of which lead different styles or worship at special times during the year.
Church Choir
Every Sunday in worship the choir leads our singing through introit and anthem. We practise each Thursday evening and also on a Sunday morning. We are always open to new members to joing us and many do. We also lead three evening services during the year including a very special contemporary version of Nine Lessons and Carols at Christmas.