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Image by Christian Wiediger


This weeks video posted online on our YouTube channel

Worship manifesto

Our growing idea of what worship is about


A selection of sermons that offer only one point of view on our faith stories.

Evening Space

A pattern for evening worship that shapes space in a different way.

healing service

Our monthly healing service details.

original liturgy

Freshly written for New Kilpatrick every week.

Creative space

Images that explain better than words.

# creed

Our exploration of ancient words to shape our contemporary lives.

Some of us find it easy to believe, others find it difficult. Most are in between.


We don't all believe literal truth (such as the world was created in seven days or Jesus walked on water) but we all believe the truth behind the story (such as love is imaginative and creative, and we can trust what Jesus is about).


Not all of us read the Bible every day or pray every day. We all find our own balance in faith and don't live up to the stereotypes.


Some of us imagine God in the traditional sense and some talk of God as 'love' or 'mystery' and probably most of us live with both. None of us are absolutely certain what God looks like but we find life and faith through discussing and exploring these together.


We like using poetry, imagery, story and metaphor to speak of faith for these things offer space for us to grow in our relationship with God.


Most of us grew to belong before we grew to believe and still feel belonging to each other and to God is more faithful than being able to agree with all the ancient doctrines. Many of us are still working out our relationship with these.


We know it is difficult to walk into church for the first time. We'd rather the walls were of glass and everyone could see what it was like before having to negotiate dark doorways and stone corridors but this is the building we have inherited. However it is beautiful inside, and we'd be delighted if you just want to sit quietly in a pew and be left alone if you wish.


Some of the things we do might seem a bit strange: communal singing, bowing heads to pray, repeating things together, listening to a sermon, but these are part of our heritage. It all means something and we're continually exploring and understanding the stories behind these traditions and so will you if you come along. Not all of us have worked it all out either. The fun and the faith are found in the journey.


What we do in worship isn't all we do. That's just the pause in the week that recharges the batteries and refocuses us to do all the other things we do as God's People as we learn how to love our neighbour. It is also a chance to get a forgiveness reboot for the times we haven't and to dedicate ourselves to loving each other again.


And, finally, there is no right or wrong way to come to church, no right or wrong way to worship, no right or wrong way to start, however saying hello is a good beginning (but hopefully we'll say it to you first).


What a beautiful home, God-of-the-Angel-Armies! I’ve always longed to live in a place like this,Always dreamed of a room in your house, where I could sing for joy to God-alive!


Birds find nooks and crannies in your house, sparrows and swallows make nests there.


Psalm 84:1-4

Worship in New Kilpatrick has a regular pattern of morning and evening and midweek, but the content thereof can vary in its creativity.




Sunday Morning


10.30  Sunday Worship

This includes all-age worship for the first 20 minutes

Thereafter children go to age group classes and adults enjoy a sermon but all on the one shared theme.


6.30   Evening worship

Taking the same passage as the morning but in a different direction.

30 minutes of reflection


Second Sunday of the month: Healing Service





Noon on Wednesdays

A 20 minute midweek service

Lunch follows



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