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Saturday 14 March: NK Ramblers: a moderately strenuous walk along the Antonine Wall: the Croy and Barr Hill Circular.  See the noticeboard in the Walkround for more details.



Saturday 14 March and Sunday 14 March: HERITAGE WEEKEND: East Dunbartonshire Leisure & Culture Trust are holding a Local History Month during March. The church will be open from 10am to 12.30pm on Saturday to see the windows and furnishings. From 11am there will be talks on the windows, telling the stories behind the glass for all ages, with a window display, exhibition of old maps, records, transcripts of our Poor and Mortcloth records and minutes from 1690-1783 in the New Halls.


Morning worship on Sunday at 10.30am will be a heritage service, telling the stories of the people and church. Then, at midday, Donald Shankland will be leading a Sunday Stroll around old Bearsden, so come prepared!


Sunday 15 March: Morning Worship for the third Sunday in Lent at 10.30am. A Heritage Service for the EDLC Local History Month.


Both The Clan and JFv2 are meeting together in the BB Hall on Sunday morning from 10.30am on a Fairtrade event.


Sunday Stroll round Bearsden at 12noon, led by Donald Shankland.


Reflective Service in the New Halls at 6.30pm, led by Jeanette Peel.


Inquirer’s Class continues after morning worship. If you are interested in joining us, speak to the minister or contact the office (942 8827,


MARY’S MEALS TEXTILE COLLECTION: Guild members are filling bags with old and new clothes, handbags, belts, shoes, hats and textiles, including curtains, duvet covers, blankets, all bed linen, tablecloths and towelling, for Mary's Meals. If you would like to join them, bring your bags to Church next Sunday, 15th March, or in the evening between 6.30pm and 7.30pm or on the Monday morning, 16th March, 9.30-11am.


Monday 16 March: From 10.30am-12noon in the Walkround, there is a chance for those who have been bereaved to drop in for coffee/tea and a friendly chat with others in similar circumstances.  Meetings are monthly.


Tuesday 17 March: The Evening Guild meets in the New Halls at 7.30pm for the Guild Project: Crossreach ‘Join up the Dots’.


The meditation group now meets for Lent on a Tuesday at 6.30pm in the chapel.  Christian meditation can be a spiritual journey leading to a deeper and sometimes more prayerful connection to God. No prior experience is required.


Think Again: Discussion group based on some of the big issues of faith continues at 7.30pm. Everyone is invited to think beyond the traditions of the church. Every Tuesday through Lent.


NK Chorus meets at 8pm in the New Halls.



Wednesday 18 March: Midweek service 12noon, New Halls. Lunch (£3).



Friday 20 March: Coffee Pot cancelled.


SingSong! 1.30pm in the New Halls. While being dementia-friendly, we meet for any who like to have a singsong of mainly well-known songs, with just a hint of harmony for those interested. We finish with a chat over a cup of tea or coffee. The emphasis is on making everyone feel relaxed and happy to join in at whatever level. We meet on the first and third Fridays of the month and welcome any new members who might enjoy a SingSong!



Sunday 22 March: Morning Worship for the fourth Sunday in Lent at 10.30am.


There will be a Service of Remembrance at 2.30pm in the church.  where we spend time and make a special space to remember those we’ve lost. This service is open to all.


The Stated Annual Meeting is at 6pm in the New Halls on Sunday 22 March, where we will give an overview of our finances, leading to our evening service, Desert Island Hymns. 





District Elders are invited to pick up Communion Invitation Cards from the Vestry after morning worship on Sunday.







EVENT: Each month we hope to hold an event for all the family. It would be good to get to know everyone better, so we're offering pizza for everyone on the 29 March after church in the New Halls. We'll also give everyone the chance to share some ideas to do together, from sports to films, garden events to learning events. Please come along and we'll give you all a pizza lunch.



MUSIC FOR PASSIONTIDE: At 6.30pm in the church on Sunday 29 March: Music by Bruckner, Parry, Ireland, Stanford and Rutter with the New Kilpatrick Church Choir.


CHRISTIAN AID ERSKINE BRIDGE CROSS: This year Christian Aid annual Erskine Bridge Cross is on Saturday 25th April at 2.00pm. If you are interested, please give your name to Shirley Hamilton ( by Sunday 4 April to ensure registration.


WEDNESDAY LUNCH: We are looking for half-a-dozen folk willing to help make soup and sandwiches on a once a month rota following the midweek service. We know there are some men out there too who are great soup makers. If you can help in order that the lunches don’t stop, contact the office (942 8827,



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