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open hearts, open minds, open faith
The Song
There is a song that is sung at this time
an ancient song
of prophets and dreamers
that haunts this moment
with expectation and love
a song that brings the light together
and draws to it hope
and awakens justice
when God’s love is born
There is a song more ancient that all others
that unrelentingly sings its way
into the darkness of the world
with a promise to be set free
and in all the solstices of the world
this song breaks the silence
with justice for all
in a baby’s cry
This breath of light
this promise of a child to be born
is what we wait for tonight
for the promise is still real
it is still believed
by those who long
beyond tinsel and straw
to the real truth of this story
a world set alive by the love of God and the justice of heaven
and it is here all our hopes find themselves
this place where God’s love is born
So let the hope that fills tonight
gather us here
for we still believe
in the promise of incarnation
of a God who chooses flesh
rather than word
to speak of love
and is now ready to step into the world
vulnerable and new
to set free the promise
There is nothing left to say
no words can contain this moment
Now there is no edge to God
No boundary protecting love
for in this midnight hour
love is set free in human skin
it is God’s greatest love poem
who has lost patience
and now breaks the darkness
and sets free the light
love has left heaven
and now dwells in this place
God is one of us
Watchnight Prayer
Loving God
may we draw breath tonight
as hope turns to faith
and all the expectation we have been carrying to this hour
moves us
that we might see
what the world looks like
and hear
what the word sounds like
when God enters
may we dare dream
and believe again
that on the cusp of the story of birth
breaking into the world
this moment is our opportunity
not to go back to believing
in the same inevitable outcomes
but that no place need look like itself again
and no belief needs to be held the same way again
when we believe God steps into the world
may we listen
to the whisper of light
that gathers round this well told story
that seeks the meaning more than confirming the events
and through this night
sings justice
to those broken by conflict
those hungry from poverty
those homeless from migration
those lost to hope
those who much cross borders to live
those who are invited first
to the birthplace
where love is sung into life
may we trust tonight
the love
that moves out of heaven
and into flesh
born in each of us
So be it