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Isaiah & Proverbs mashed


Then a shoot will sprout from the stump of Jesse; from Jesse’s roots, a branch will blossom.

Wisdom cries out in the streets; she raises her voice in the busy places.

The Spirit of YHWH will rest on you a spirit of wisdom and understanding,

She cries out from the top of walls, on the roads leading into the city.

a spirit of counsel and strength, a spirit of knowledge and reverence for YHWH. 

Incline our ear to Wisdom and take her truth into your heart.

You will delight in following the ways of YHWH

Happy are you when you find Wisdom, when you develop discernment.

and you won’t judge by appearances, or make decisions by hearsay. 

She is more precious than rubies; nothing you can conceivably desire can equal her value.

You will treat poor people with fairness and will uphold the rights of the land’s downtrodden.

Her paths are pleasant ones, and all her roads lead to peace.




                          Acts 2:1-21

Pentecost Statement


We believe in God who weaves together all colours,
Uniting diversity.

We believe in red:
the colour of anger,
righteous anger,
that moves us
with passion
along the moral ark of the universe.

We believe in God who weaves together all colours,
Uniting diversity.

We believe in orange:
the colour of kindled flame,
that burns away the tarnish
and reveals the gold
in our ideas
and imagination.

We believe in God who weaves together all colours,
Uniting diversity.

We believe in yellow:
the warmth of sun,
that pulls from the earth
the wheat and the bread,
and spreads across the land
a field of gold.

We believe in God who weaves together all colours,
Uniting diversity.

We believe in green:
creation’s carpet,
from oak leaf to juniper moss,
the texture of life,
richer than jade
and more precious than emerald.

We believe in God who weaves together all colours,
Uniting diversity.

We believe in blue:
a planet’s worth
of ocean and sea
below a thousand acres of sky,
under which
we live,
and breathe,
and share our being
with all creation.

We believe in God who weaves together all colours,
Uniting diversity.

We believe in purple:
robust as the grape
poured in the goblet,
and shared with all,
the richer story,
told round a table grace,
revealing the colour of love.

We believe in God who weaves together all colours,
Uniting diversity.



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