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Christmas Day Prayer
Sing the first line
‘Away in a manger no crib for a bed’
may we never turn you into some royal guest
some glitzy film actor
but let you always be the God beside the poor
‘O come all ye faithful’
may we follow you in faith
let the meaning of the story change us
and be ever more like you
‘O little town of Bethlehem how still we see you lie’
Yet Bethlehem isn’t still
may we find you in all the places
people need peace and hope and justice
‘It came upon a midnight clear’
But sometimes it isn’t clear
we don’t fully understand what all this means
so may we live in faith today
‘Hark the herald angels sing’
Yes, may we tell out the news
proclaim the message
of peace on earth and goodwill to all people
‘Of the fathers love begotten’
May we remember the love that is total commitment
the love that loves so much
it puts on skin and is born among us
In our song
in our celebrating
in our words
in our prayers
may we make this Christmas Day
the day was born for all.
Christmas Day
Luke 2:1-20
In these freshest moments of incarnation,
I wish for you light to shatter all darkness,
hope to unravel fear.
welcome enough to corrupt all prejudice
and generosity to discomfort greed
I wish for you a table open to strangers
and room enough for all
and I wish for you love made flesh
and born among us now