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open hearts, open minds, open faith
There are cathedrals with great soaring roofs
windows that seem to gather all the light from heaven
stones that hold stories so ancient
we will never know how old
In such places
the centuries of prayer
lay an enfolding of peace upon the place
the air is different
the sound draws from a more ancient source
the language changes
and your soul notices
in all the aeons of faith
nothing changes a moment more
than the expectation of those present in that moment
who gather
and expect
there is something greater there
that all of time cannot hold
It is why cathedrals are built
to recognise such moments
We gather tonight
in a place far from being as grand
without the stories in glass of passing saints
without the hushed tones of a sanctuary’s constructed beauty
but simply
the greater sanctuary
made not of those bricks
but of God’s People
whose expectations alone
invest a place
with the greatest
of holy encounter
It is what we bring
and what we wonder at
that sets this place apart
and it is all focused
and held
in the least of beauties
and wine
and splashes
So let us shape here
a trysting place
of saint and sinner
at the gateway of heaven
Trying playing a 'Dona Nobis' in the background such as the one from Cantus
Dona Nobis Pacem: Grant us peace
Grant us Peace for Syria
For the refugee: for Munir and Sapira
Grant us Peace for Yemen
For the streets of Mosul
For the fields of South Sudan
Grant us Peace for the hungry
in the townships of Zimbabwe
and estates of Britain
Dona Nobis Pacem
And when we cannot understand love
or mix it with politics
of let is shape economy
And when we cannot understand justice
and why it cannot be more simple
and why neighbour is never a priority
Grant us Peace
Dona Nobis Pacem
for the bread and wine
and the community
and the vision
and the possibility
and the start made here
and the beginning begun
and the longing
that is heaven’s own
Dona Nobis Pacem
Grant us Peace
So be it
Setting Liturgy
Try some music in the background of this
Knead the bread, O God
with the hands of heaven
Set the table
with the cloth from the graveside
Speak the word
from the word that rolled the stone away
Gather the people
from those who believe the talk: God is here
Fold up the darkness
in the secrets of light
Pour the wine
and make a goblet of promise
Free the rumour
in those that believe
Bend the world
towards this meeting place
And open heaven
in this and every waiting moment
Come Spirit
in the way you do
with grace and imagination
that dares to turn the corner of every moment
to reveal the promise
placed there
Come God
always here
as old and older than patience herself
expecting us
expecting us
waiting now
Come Jesus
bread broken
and wine poured
Come Jesus
host on the table
and the table’s host
Come Jesus
here with us now
It is bread
it is wine
It is an invitation
to share the love of God
with the world
It is a community
that gathers round a table
where everyone has a place
It is a story
that speak of sacrifice and love
It is body
it is blood
and the kingdom of God
it is heaven and earths meeting place
in what is so ordinary
yet crammed full of love
It is our belonging place
so let us gather there
and share the story
the grace
the love
in worship