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open hearts, open minds, open faith
Psalm 3

Within the hues of green shoots
and the dancing sunbeam's graceful rays
between those sparks, of your love, O God,
that shaped us
while still in our mother's womb
between that hope we have faithfully held
and our today
lies crushed expectations.
Yet more than those hopes shaped us
much more makes up this flesh and bone
this mind and matter
and what
we are
what we can
and will be.
Within this frame you abide
within this fragility you find your home
within this unknowing you know as we are fully known.
Hope deep
like green shoots
waiting to rise from within the grain
and waits... for the time
your time.
In the beginning You looked,
and saw all as good.
Yet, what is good about death and fear,
pained hearts and empty days?
What good is there in journey
without end in sight,
filled with the ancient cry:
are we there yet?
The valley is deep and dark, O God
but darkness is not dark to you.
We join with our ancestors
Their pleading echoing in our souls
How long?
O Lord,
how long?
We trust
you grow within our laments
nurturing our longings with
promises of a better future
rooted in the green shoots of
your eternal love
there in the beginning
and for eternity.