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Liturgy around the Creed

The words here have been created as the exploration unfolds.

Faith: Unplugged - a new creed I

(using hymn 145)

Created during worship with suggestions from the Sunday School

We believe in a faith, unplugged
where we find God
made all of love
just love
and who made us all
with the same love
A God who is… loving, listening, caring
We believe each of us
is a picture of God,
for God made each of us as we are

All sing: God made me as I am…

We believe in a faith, unplugged
where we find God
made all of love
just love
and who shows us what love is like
in the story of Jesus
who made love a way of living and transforming everything.
A God who is… with us as a friend
We believe each of us
is a picture of God,
for God made each of us as we are


All sing: God made me as I am…

We believe in a faith, unplugged
where we find God
made all of love
just love
and full of spirit:
a creative, imaginative,
renewing, transforming spirit
alive in each of us.
a God who is… helpful, like Jesus, living
We believe each of us is a picture of God
for God made us as we are


All sing: God made me as I am…



(c) NKPC2016



I believe in Jesus

A re-reading of the traditional words about Jesus in the creed

with some possible alternatives.


A: I believe
B: I awaken to
A: Jesus Christ
B: the one who walked our earth and whose God-light shone through
A: God’s only son
B: the one whose life came from the very life of God
A: our Lord
B: our guide, our teacher, our friend
A: who was conceived by the Holy Spirit
B: whose life was an intent of God’s creative imagination
A: born of the Virgin Mary
B: who sang love’s song at his beginning and was blessed
A: suffered under Pontius Pilate
B: rejected by the powers of the world
A: was crucified
B: executed by those same powers
A: died
B: sharing the same death of us all
A: and was buried
B: love had been killed
A: he descended to the dead
B: and they thought this the end
A: but on the third day
B: nothing could contain, bind or hold the life Jesus began
A: he rose again
B: and the story continues to be believed of renewal, transformation and life again.
A: I believe in
B: I awaken to
Both: Jesus



(c) NKPC2016

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