CALL US : 0141 - 942 - 8827
open hearts, open minds, open faith
It’s been a few months, and the spiders had moved in, but we are opening for worship from Sunday 6th September. You will have already heard, or will be hearing from your elder very soon, with details, and we’ve printed them again here.
It will be a new experience for all who feel they wish to attend, as the space will feel different and the content, while mainly familiar, will be missing singing. However, we will evolve worship to suit, and celebrate our community and find ways to explore faith in this context.
The online and telephone services will continue, so please do not feel pressurised out of a sense of loyalty or duty to attend. There are a few things to think about when considering whether you should come to worship, and there is a risk assessment tool here to help make an informed choice.
Please remember there will be no singing and masks are mandatory.
We are limited in numbers that can attend, so we are using a booking system. If you would like to attend, please phone the church office (0141 942 8827) by Thursday evening each week, leaving your name and your phone number (which we will use for Track and Trace, and we will hold that information for three weeks). The secretary will phone you back on Friday confirming a space. If there are too many, you will be placed at the top of the list for the following week.
Please arrive from 10.15 to help reduce queuing, and keep to social distancing rules. The only entrance will be the East Door. There will be signage and a Duty Steward to help.
Automatic sanitisers will be at the door for use and, once inside, please follow the one way system. There will be a Duty Steward to help direct you.
You will be given a seat, not of your choosing!
Toilets can be used only if essential as they require regular and frequent cleaning.
Please stay at home if you have symptoms of COVID or if you are self-isolating or if you feel you, or someone you live with, is particularly vulnerable to COVID.
Following the service, you will be invited to exit using the one-way system through the West porch, where there will be a box for an offering, if you wish to give in that way. You will also be invited to sanitise your hands once more. We invite you then to go straight home, without lingering, and enjoy the rest of the day.