CALL US : 0141 - 942 - 8827
open hearts, open minds, open faith
We have come in to this place
in order to turn ourselves outward
in, to pour and bless with water
that we might life more fully alive in the world
in, to hear the word of God
that we might listen for it in the places beyond us
in, to share bread and wine
that we might be nourished for the pathways beyond
We gather in worship
that we might be sent in faith
from home
into the world
and know love
in every place
Here O God
in this offering place
is our neighbours common ground
where they
who are the broken
the hurt
the powerless
the left behind
claim what we offer here
and we offer it here
because their claim on it
is great than our own
May this place of dedication
reshape our priorities
that take self
and leave it behind
and seek neighbour
and give our all
in this giving
in the face of the other
may we be in relationship
with your radical
and upside down