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open hearts, open minds, open faith
There are places where the clay under your feet
feels more holy than heavy
a light touch
where you recognise not all is earthly bound
There are place where grace rises to the surface
and lightens the weight of earth
where you can see further than before
and your spirit finds its home in wonder
Places where water flows
and its sound is a doorway into possibility
where people gather
and expectation changes the curve of the universe
where words hold dreams
and heaven dances with the earth
and promises are exchanged
on the stairways of heaven
There are places like that
where love runs generously
and makes all things possible
holy ground
sacred space
Wherever you go
may we find ourselves in holy places
sacred moments where heaven and earth collide
and love, grace, compassion
is set free
Stairway Prayer
Each person has collected a stone having thought about thin places where heaven and earh conect. Use that stone to reflect on
Where would you like to place that stone
in what places
would you like heaven to touch earth
in the poverty of the world
there we would like these stones
to build a stairway to heaven
we place our stone
in the conflicts
where people are hurt
and people are hurting
there a stairway to heaven
we place our stone
on the tables of hunger
where food is scare
and justice scarcer
there a stairway to heaven
we place our stone
in the places we meet our neighbour
in the lonely and the searching
there a stairway to heaven
we place our stone
in the places of hope
where we long for transformation
there a stairway to heaven
we place our stone
Those thin places
those places where we touch what is holy
full of promise