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Psalm 13
A shooting star
across the somber sky
leaving the silver edge
of remembrances:
Hugs (missed forever)
never to be regained;
Stories (with endings)
emptied of goodbyes.
Laments (heavy with weeping)
reflecting fractured hearts
broken in turn by distance
as much death.
Stardust (from the beginning)
baptised in the Breath of God.
For a season (lived, loved and lost)
tethered to the ground
welcomed (in its return)
to the firmament.
Dancing constellations (seen from afar)
tell the tale of countless promises
made and never to be forgotten
even in their leaving.
New stars chase
across the darkened horizon,
moving to other skies
marking others tears
and lives returned to dust.
The world laments, O God.
we never weep alone
plant hope in our hearts,
water it with your love,
let it grow and echo in the promise
of a creation that
chooses to make
all things new.