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Coronavirus is changing how we do church at the moment. Here is the latest updates and news of how we are responding.


Worship has been cancelled across the Church until further notice.

but we are still here and here's how we're doing church now...


Here you'll find a weekly podcast, a written service, daily prayers to use at home but hopefully together at the same time on a Sunday so we keep connected.

We can't do face-to-face visits at the moment but ministers, pastoral group and elders will be keeping in contact by phone. Here's some information about that.




A couple of appeals locally for food banks and an international story about Malawi and how we might help there too. 


Daily updated news that you would have heard in the announcements each week including news of folk in the congregation.

A bundle of stories, photos, funnies, and poems to encourage us sent in from the congregation and around. A fabulous wee corner always updated. Spend some time and smile.



If you would like to subscribe to our weekly prayer letter then email us as we will add you to the mailing list.

If you would like anything added to the list, people who are ill, then again email. We only ever add initials of folk and not full names.

Do you have garment production experience? There is an emerging network of voluntary community groups making scrubs for NHS staff across the UK. 


To find out more visit,uk

zoom rooms

This is one way we are keeping face to face contact with those who can online. Various groups from coffee afternoons to concerts all online.



We're collecting rainbows. Here are some that are being made. Send in yours.


We've also got a rainbow appeal so we can place pictures of your rainbows in the church windows


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